David Barton
Hi, my name is Dr David Barton. I am the author of the Goal Achievers Program.In this short eBook I will share with you why I consider focus to be so essential to achieving your grandest and loftiest of goals.The topics covered here include1. Anyone can achieve success at their goals2. Age Doesn't Determine Success3. Mental Health Doesn't Determine Success4. Talent Doesn't Decide Your Success5. Finding for your focus6. How to find your passionI hope...
Hi, My name is Dr David Barton. I am the author of the Goal Achievers Program.In this short eBook I will share with you what I consider to be the 8 critical reasons why you need to set goals for your life.The topics covered here include1.Goals Help You Set Direction for Your Life2.Goals Help You Find Your Focus3.Goals Give You Purpose4.Goals Help You Become More Independent5.Having Goals Will Help You Work More Efficiently6.Having Goals Gives You...
Hosted by WallBuilders' founder David Barton, this private tour of America's Capitol reveals the spiritual significance of the structure's statues and artwork. This book offers an exclusive look at some of the most notable events in American history and provides information that will enrich self-guided tours of the Capitol.
All ages can benefit from our reprint of this 1890 study on ethics. With an emphasis on character traits such as honesty, gratitude, and responsibility, this text calls attention to the critical importance of character development and the role of well-formed conscience in making morally sound decisions.
In a world which is literally bursting at the seams, now more than ever millions of people are looking for ways to improve their health, get more energy, lose weight and live a better more enjoyable life.For many people being overweight is not fun. For one it impacts their sense of self-confidence, energy levels and health. There are many health impacts created by being overweight. These might include increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, low...
At the young age of 46, having lived and active, healthy life, I was ready to call it quits and say goodbye to loved ones, friends and the world for good.After a battle which lasted many months, I was finally broken and completely worn out. When I thought things could not get any worse, they suddenly did; a whole lot worse. The remaining embers of my resolve were shattered. The last fragments of my drive to survive were quickly eroded and I was thrown...
"How to overcome your fear of rejection and double or even triple your sales" is an eBook that focuses on the psychological aspects of rejection, particularly as it applies to people who have to approach others to make a living.It has been discovered that almost 50% of salespeople spend as little as 2 hours selling on any given day. The fear of rejection has been identified as one of the chief reasons so much time is gets wasted.People fear rejection...
This book is very timely for one of the most frequently debated issues in America: the separation of church and state. Where did this phrase originate? Was it always meant to prohibit expressions of religious faith in public settings as many claim today? Learn the answers to these questions and discover the Founding Fathers own words and intents in this book! With all these resources, you will be able to clearly understand the original intent of the...
In their own words, the Supreme Court has become "a national theology board," "a super board of education," and amateur psychologists on a "psycho-journey." The result has been a virtual rewriting of the liberties enumerated in the Constitution. A direct victim of this judicial micromanagement has been the religious aspect of the First Amendment.
For example, the Court now interprets that Amendment under:
• a "Lemon Test" absurdly requiring...
Bringing Jane Home is the story of a father who goes through hell to be reunited with his estranged daughter and his efforts to bring her home from the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil.Josh Freeman, ex-Navy Swift Boat machine-gunner and Montauk, NY, charter boat captain loses his wife, Mary, during a storm on a fishing trip with his daughter Jane aboard. Jane blames her father and leaves home while Josh falls off the wagon. His neighbor, Willie...
Why should you read this book?Millions of people spend their entire lives drifting without purpose or meaning while others seem to find direction early on in life. In Achieving Your Best Self, Dr David Barton presents you with essential key principles to help you discover your own path and then pursue that course with persistence, self-discipline and courage.In Achieving Your Best Self you will learn:• How to gain clarity about your values, dreams...
The birth of Jesus is probably one of the most important stories ever told. It sits right in the center of one of the most important events on our annual calendar - Christmas. But what about the donkey who carried Mary to Bethlehem? This version considers the story of the birth of Jesus from a simple, humble donkeys point of view. Wonderfully illustrated and written in simple clear understandable language, why not join us in considering the story...
The Second Amendment to the Constitution, a protection of the ownership of firearms, has become the source of heated controversy in recent years. Learn about the Founders' views on this important freedom and their solutions for averting the plague of violence that has disrupted communications.
Colonial George Washington's perilous experiences in the French and Indian War are chronicled in this riveting account of God's providence and protection. The only officer on horseback to avoid being shot down, young Washington openly attributed his miraculous escape from harm to the intervention of a sovereign God. A story once founded in student textbooks, this awe-inspiring adventure is recaptured in a modern edition complete with maps and illustrations....
America's Godly Heritage clearly sets forth the beliefs of many famous Founding Fathers concerning the proper role of Christian principles in education, government, and the public affairs of the nation. The beliefs of Founders such as Patrick Henry, John Quincy Adams, John Jay, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Mason, and many others are clearly presented. America's Godly Heritage also provides excerpts from court cases showing...
This ebook course has been created for people who want to unlock the power to a greater memory.It doesn't matter if you are a student, professional, retiree or stay at home parent, you will benefit from this memory course.This course will give you the basic building blocks to developing a powerful memory.The methods I teach in this course helped me to memorise an impossibly long number. I managed to perfectly store and recall Pi to 500 decimal places....
AMERICA IS UNIQUE. No other nation in the world has experienced the widespread levels of stability, individual prosperity, and personal freedoms that have defined this nation. What made us different from other nations? Was it the people, the principles, or the blessing of God? It was all three, and they caused America to become the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.
Our past is filled with captivating accounts of the brave and the...
America's Constitutional Republic is like no other.
Most Americans recognize the names George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, but few can tell you their stories-much less that of James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, or Andrew Jackson. These seven men from the Founding Ear were America's first presidents. They established our republic on the foundation of the Constitution and its liberties.
But who were they? Were they...
Restoring America to the Strength of its Roots
The United States became a unique, prosperous, and admired nation because of its faith in God and the willingness of the people to abide by God's standards and principles. Over time, however, the people's urge to glorify self rather than God has seriously eroded the strength and potential of the nation.
U-Turn examines current cultural trends and historical patterns to reveal that America cannot sustain...
Constitution Alive! volume 10
Learn the logistics of amending the Constitution as the people of the United States. As you examine the specifics of the process, explore some possible amendments on the horizons.