Jesse Craignou
Love Has its Ways I don't write love stories…Love stories write themselves… and sometimes write themselves off… just like that…Love… And Stuff Like That ! is just about that… how love comes and goes… love comes in many ways but one…Variations on the theme of love too… it takes two to tango… and the pace of love maybe hard to keep up with… still… love is love… and there's nothing you can do about it… or so little… and...
2) Righter
Righter is a collection of stories about people putting their world right… in their own way… They can't escape reality but they can certainly bend it to suit them… because reality is always and only our own reality and is rarely suited to most…Who can ever find Alana Love again ?Where is the Astronaut travelling to ?A Woman In Disappearing's world in coming to her endFedelma – A tale of hope and success for a woman who just wouldn't give...
Second Helpings is a collection of stories about people who got a second chance in life who saw life hand them a second deal…Because life is all about adventure and the unexpected turns up and turns out for the better all the time… and we should always come running back for more…Stories that will really take you away... and bring you back !
4) Biohazard
Climate change is an inherent condition to the development of life as we know it.This is precisely what has to a great extend contributed to our world and why our world is our world… that of man… Yet if man persists in his endeavours to use and abuse it he can be sure that one day he will have to facts the facts…Modern man wears and tears the resources of our planet where his forefathers had merely gleaned…For the Cathars,It is the Devil who...
Raising Atlantis picks up where both Umma Dawn and BioHazard left off…Biohazard is the natural history of Earth and Umma Dawn the cultural history of Earth… while Raising Atlantis is the real history of Earth… Ever since Atlantis was first mentioned it has been feeding the dreams and fuelling the feuds of adventurers and historians…What was Atlantis ? Where was Atlantis ? What happened to Atlantis ? Where did Atlantis go ? Where did Atlantis...
Having very little memory very few memories of my childhood in Iran… and less and less as time goes by… I chose to pay tribute to the Iranians… my own way… at last I have a bridge back to Iran again…Iran is often confused with a country with ill-famed people… little do people know how wrong they can be in assuming so… and those (usually self-proclaimed) specialist of Iran and Iranian life and culture are not specialist at all…Iran...
7) Booster Shot
A Booster Shot to secure the benefits of my other books…More and more stories about people for people… because everyday life is usually stranger than fiction… do you ever wonder what lies yonder ?A new collection of extremely varied styles and stories for the discerning reader seeking a challenging reading…Love and war and nature and history all come into one in Booster Shot…Booster Shot is also an audiobook narrated by David GEORGE.
8) Eerie Arias
Eerie Arias is a gathering of facts and fiction sired by some events that could have, should have or would have happened… mishaps perhaps… in any case for the better of for worse…Eerie Arias comes as a concert collection of echoes ricocheting from beyond… stories where facts meet fiction… words on the wind… that worm their way inwards… stories where fact buds bloom into fiction… people's life tracks venture on the jagged edge of yonder…We...