Teresa Fisher
For nearly 150 years, Switzerland has been a destination for immense numbers of tourists, who flock here to enjoy a nation of vacation riches. Though others may prefer to lie on a Spanish or French beach or tour a cultural capital like London or Paris, a steady multitude of other tourists go each year and in every season to experience the awesome views of the Swiss Alps, to ascend the mountains in funiculars or swoop down from them in skis, or to...
Physical Desc
xvi, 557 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 21 cm + 1 pull out folded map
"Most know Switzerland for its alpine scenery, its outdoor sports opportunities, its precision watches, and chocolates. But this is also a country with a rich history and many artifacts of that past on display -- a 14th century cathedral here, a medieval town square there, castles, cogwheel railroads, museums rich with old masters paintings and more. To discover the wonders of Switzerland, both classic and new, takes a bit of planning and that's where...