Sheldon Krimsky
1) Conflicts of Interest In Science: How Corporate-Funded Academic Research Can Threaten Public Health
30+ Years of Peer-Reviewed Studies on the Corporate Ties and Vested Interests that Influence Scientific Research
For over 500 years, groups and organizations with political, economic, and personal interests have successfully exercised influence on the pursuit of scientific inquiry and knowledge. History is replete with examples like the Papal authority muddying research into studies of the cosmos, but far less attention is paid today to the various...
Physical Desc
xiii, 152 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm.
"DNA ancestry companies generate revenues in the region of $1bn a year, and the company 23andMe is said to have sold 10 million DNA ancestry kits to date. Although evidently popular, the science behind how DNA ancestry tests work is mystifying and difficult for the general public to interpret and understand. In this accessible and engaging book, Sheldon Krimsky, a leading researcher, investigates the methods that different companies use for DNA ancestry...
Physical Desc
xxxvii, 393 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm
Seventy-five percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves--from soda to soup, crackers to condiments--contain genetically engineered ingredients. The long-term effects of these foods on human health and ecology are still unknown, and the public concern has been steadily intensifying. This new book from the Council for Responsible Genetics gathers the best, most thought-provoking essays by the leading scientists, science writers, and public health...
For a quarter of a century, the Council for Responsible Genetics has provided a unique historical lens into the modern history, science, ethics, and politics of genetic technologies. Since 1983, the Council has had leading scientists, activists, science writers, and public health advocates researching and reporting on a broad spectrum of issues, including genetically engineered foods, biological weapons, genetic privacy and discrimination, reproductive...