Patrick J McGinnis
What are you really missing out on?
You're home on a Friday night, scrolling through Instagram, ready to go to bed.
You see pictures on your timeline of a party you were invited to, but didn't go to. You were confident when you said no, but now you can't stop thinking about it, and you start feeling worse.
You have FOMO, or, Fear of Missing Out.
Coined in a Harvard Business School article, FOMO has become a global term to describe the decimating...
Physical Desc
239 pages ; 23 cm
"What if there was a way to combine the stability of a day job with the excitement of a startup? All of the benefits of entrepreneurship with none of the pitfalls? In the 10% Entrepreneur, Patrick McGinnis show you how, by investing just 10% of your time and resources, you can become an entrepreneur without losing a steady paycheck."
¿Quién no quiere perseguir sus sueños, ser su propio jefe, hacer lo que ama y contar con todos los beneficios de...
Choosing between the stability of a traditional career and the upside of entrepreneurship? Why not have both? Becoming a full-time entrepreneur can look glamorous from the outside. Who doesn't want to chase their dreams, be their own boss, and do what they love? But the truth is that entrepreneurship is often a slog, with no regular hours, no job security, and very little pay. What if there were a way to have the stability of a day job with the excitement...