John Michele
1) Club Morocco
These events took place during prohibition, World War II, and the time after the war was won, during the '40s and '50s. The immigrants and first- and second-generation Americans were closely loved family members who always had one another's back while striving to reach their dreams of security and wealth.
It's a story of a young family member who experienced most of what happened, good and bad, in life at a young age. Each individual is based upon...
Roger is central to all the characters in this story. He is most unusual because of his abilities and the growing central desire he shares, at first, with one special person, Susan. He is not sure what and where his need to know will take him. But it is there all the time, bugging him.
His quest for answers about his life guides to wonderful turns as he and Susan recognize his awareness, somehow of facts, that he should have no knowledge of until...
3) Promises
It is written that all is fair in love and war. Politics is war. That came home to John Verra, at first, slowly, then in one inhuman act of violence... "The lust for power in political minds is the strongest passion in life and it impels ambitious men to do deeds of infamy" (William Shakespeare).
Verra believes promises made are promises meant to be kept. His beliefs, to many in his new world, are naive, gullible, and no way to live, especially if...
John Verra is a young man moving to a much bigger stage. He arrives with a love and belief in the founding principles of our country. He is not in Washington, DC, but living in another shinning city on a hill, or so he believes, Boston, Massachusetts, a town where he attended college and falls in love.
As a member of the city council, a seat in Boston's governing body, attained because of the sacrifice of a new friend, he eventually realizes he...
Do you know what night crawlers are? They make great bait for fishermen who are not squeamish about dirty hands.
This story begins when two boys, age thirteen, decide to earn a little money selling worms to a bait shop and are once again together on the thirtieth anniversary of a life-changing discovery. Wakefield, their town and its people, are a part of who they are, especially for young Dolf, who has two important reasons for his trips from New...