Marcus Mulenga
The "Young Boy Named David" series is designed to help young people deal with difficult situations that are hard to talk about and adults reconnect to their disconnected childhood helping heal broken pasts. In Book 20, David finds himself in a very serious situation that he has never faced before. This is one of the hardest things for him to talk about, but it's something that all our young ones need.
If you are learning or teaching marketing, here are many study cases that can be used to help improve your learning or teaching concepts. Also if you are learning English, here you can have very interesting cases of marketing written in simple language, and use it to improve your vocabulary, and comprehencion (multiple choice questions with answer by the end of every chapter). This book is made for people who love to learn from stories. Each chapter...
Can't Stop Thinking: Discover Tips on How to Let Go of Anxiety and Liberate Yourself from Obsessive Thoughts
Each and every person has some anxiety at some point in life. Natural anxiety can be beneficial and adaptive in some situations, but for millions of individuals, it can also be a source of tremendous anguish and discomfort. A person's emotional condition impacts their style of thinking, and vice versa. It's not just your thoughts that have...
Seek Him First: A Guide on How to Seek God and Put Him in the Center of Your Life
Have no doubt that God has something fantastic planned for you. Despite the fact that this does not really suggest that every day should be a parade and circus, it does imply that you should live your life with a sense of general happiness. As stated in Psalm 63:7, "...since you have been my help, and under the shelter of your wings I shall scream with joy."
5) At Your Best
At Your Best: Discover How to Transform Your Mindset into Action and Be the Best You Can Be!
Many people read self-help books and fill themselves with the knowledge inside, and they enjoy what they hear, but then never act on it. That can be a frustrating experience. But the ugly truth is… people spend most of their lives searching for advice, receiving it and then doing nothing with it. There's no use in seeking advice or making plans all the...
6) Secrets of Closing the Sale: The Ultimate Guide on How To Perfectly Close a Sale, Discover Effect
Secrets of Closing the Sale: The Ultimate Guide on How To Perfectly Close a Sale, Discover Effective Closing Techniques and Secrets That Would Make You a Successful Closer
The most important activity associated with sales is closing. Closing is the most visible part in the sales process because the closer is usually considered the king of the business world. The simple reason is because the closer makes money. Sales is all about money and any successful...
7) Hashtag
Hashtag: Discover Proven Tips on the Proper Use of Hashtags to Generate Traffic and Promote Your Brand
We live in the middle of the most competitive business environment that has ever existed in human history. And social media marketing is in the center of it. Social media marketing, more specifically "hashtag marketing", is definitely one of the hottest drivers of organic traffic today and you have to make sure that you are making the most of the...
8) Clean Keto Lifestyle: The Comprehensive Guide to Ketogenic Diet, Learn How the Keto Diet Can Boos
Clean Keto Lifestyle: The Comprehensive Guide to Ketogenic Diet, Learn How the Keto Diet Can Boost Your Metabolism and Help You Lose Weight
If you got interested in this audiobook, chances are you have tried many diets already. Millions of Americans have tried different diets only to fail and even end up being heavier than before they started. So the problem becomes bigger because now, they have more weight to lose. Sometimes, the more weight people...
Get Things Done: Discover the Secrets and Productivity Hacks on How to Get More Things Done Without Burning Out
Getting through the workday can be challenging. Sometimes it can feel as though there just isn't enough time to finish everything that you need to get done in a day. For some people, being productive and getting more done comes to them naturally. For others, it is a skill that needs to be practiced every day until they can find the best...
The End of Diabetes: Learn About Diabetes, the Signs and Symptoms and Useful Tips on How You Can Prevent and Manage This Disease
Type 2 diabetes occurs when your blood sugar or blood glucose is too high. Our cells burn blood sugar for energy, and blood sugar levels are controlled by insulin—a hormone produced by the pancreas. In type 2 diabetes, cells become resistant to insulin, leaving too much sugar in your blood. This can cause damage over...
11) The Focus Project: The Ultimate Guide on How to Focus on One, Discover How Focusing on One Thing
The Focus Project: The Ultimate Guide on How to Focus on One, Discover How Focusing on One Thing Can Help Your Time Management And Increase Your Productivity
Many believe in the benefits of multitasking are the key to being more productive and achieving more but multitasking is actually a bad idea. People are often amazed at other people who are able to juggle multiple tasks at the same time. Studies show that switching from one task to another takes...
12) Hacking Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to Online Marketing Secrets, Learn How to Use Social Networ
Hacking Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to Online Marketing Secrets, Learn How to Use Social Networking For Marketing and The Internet Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid
No matter what you sell on the internet today — whether it is eBooks, products you have to mail out or services that you provide yourself — you need to find customers. That much is certain, but the more creative you are at finding those customers (especially when those methods...
13) Clean House and Mind: The Complete Guide on How to Organize and Declutter Your Home for Your Ulti
Clean House and Mind: The Complete Guide on How to Organize and Declutter Your Home for Your Ultimate Peace of Mind
Do you shudder when you think of people coming over to visit unannounced? Do you panic when you get a message on your answering machine that family is coming-and they left 4 hours ago (and it's a 5 hour trip)? Do you try to "clean" before your cleaning lady comes? Can you not afford a cleaning lady and try to do it yourself, ending...
Grow Your Email List: The Expert Guide on How to Build an Email List That Can Get the Highest Conversions
The money is in the list. If you have heard this a few times before, it is because it is very true. When you build a responsive email list you will be able to send emails to your subscribers whenever you want and make money. An email list is a valuable asset and essential for all online business owners.
In this audiobook, you will learn everything...
15) ClickBank Marketing Expert: The Ultimate Guide on How To Earn Fast and Massive Profits Using Clic
ClickBank Marketing Expert: The Ultimate Guide on How To Earn Fast and Massive Profits Using Clickbank Affiliate Marketing
If you have dabbled already on any sort of internet marketing, you have probably heard about It is the largest information product network site on the internet and it has over 10,000 products at any given time. These products are marketed by over 100,000 affiliate marketers although there are actually over a million...
End Emotional Eating: A Well-Crafted Guide on How to Stop Emotional Eating For Good!
Do you find yourself gaining weight during times of stress? Do you fear boredom because you know you'll simply eat to fill the time? These are just some of the symptoms of emotional overeating and maybe the exact reason you have chosen to look into this audiobook. Emotional overeating is almost a joke in our society. But for those who actually suffer from emotional...
17) Powerful Focus: The Ultimate Guide on How to Become a Focused Internet Marketer, Discover the Tip
Powerful Focus: The Ultimate Guide on How to Become a Focused Internet Marketer, Discover the Tips and Tricks on How to Maintain Focus as an Entrepreneur and Get More Done
Time management is a term business people hear often, especially Internet marketers whose job descriptions run the gamut from executive decision maker to coffee maker. So what does the term really mean, and more importantly, what does the term mean to you? Time management isn't...
Build the Body You Want: Learn About HYPERTROPHY and How It Can Help Grow Your Muscles and Improve Strength
Building muscle is at once very simple and simultaneously incredibly complicated. If that sounds like something of a frustrating contradiction... well then get used to it! As you learn more about growing muscle and getting jacked you'll find that almost all the information you come across only makes things more complicated and more difficult....
19) Skin Rules
Skin Rules: The Essential Guide to Skin Care Hacks, Discover Different Ways and Methods of How to Properly Care For Your Skin
Skin care is not just about appearance and about vanity. Skin is the largest organ of our body and the largest barrier against infections and other diseases. It is therefore very important to take good care of our skin. Taking care of your skin can help you take good care of your overall health.
This audiobook will give...
20) Healthy Adult
Healthy Adult: The Essential Guide Towards a Healthier and Fitter You, Discover the Step-by-Step Approach On How You Can Achieve A Healthier Body and Mind You Can Be Proud Of!
Everyone wants to live and feel well. Who wants to feel sick, right? Most people want to live a healthier life but wanting and actually doing it are two different things. Many struggle to start living healthier for various reasons -- it could be motivation, time or money....