Jack S.
1) The Theology of Alcoholics Anonymous: A Guide to the Theological and Religious Underpinnings of AA
Begun ninety years ago by two down-and-out alcoholic men (Bill Wilson and Bob Smith), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has proved to be the most effective treatment for achieving long-term sobriety. That success, the author argues, is due in large measure to the underlying theological principles of the AA program. Many participants in AA and many proponents of AA are not aware of this underlying theology. There is much that religions of all stripes can learn...
So, believe it or not, this is my third book. I've written a weekly column for local rags, since 1998. And, prior to my early monthly spots for our local Chamber publication, I can honestly confess I never saw twenty years of published writing coming.
For the last twenty years, family has remained my story, my mission, and my passion. Every day has been all about learning, growing, and doing my best to honor my family, my dental team, and every patient...