The Arguments. Men are 50 times more fertile than women ; Sperm live for up to 5 days ; Women's fertility is unpredictable ; Ovulation is involuntary, ejaculation is not ; Birth control for women is hard to access and hard to use ; Birth control for men is easy to access and easy to use ; Society clings to the idea that men hate condoms ; Vasectomies are less risky than tubal ligations ; We expect women to do the work of pregnancy prevention ; We don't mind if women suffer, as long as it makes things easier for men ; Society teaches that the man's pleasure is the purpose and priority of sex ; Women can be impregnated without experiencing pleasure ; Men cause all unwanted pregnancies ; We expect women to be responsible for their own bodies AND for men's bodies ; We need to shift our focus to men ; Holding men accountable for their actions does not make women victims ; The uneven power dynamic between men and women is real and can turn violent quickly ; A woman can't walk out on a pregnancy ; We're not honest about pregnancy and childbirth ; The realities and burdens of parenting are unfathomable ; Pregnancy should not be a punishment ; Adoption is not an alternative to abortion ; There are zero consequences for men who ejaculate irresponsibly ; Sperm are dangerous ; Men have more control of their bodies and sexual urges than we like to admit ; Men can easily prevent abortions but choose not to ; We know what works ; This is how to take action.