I. Development of consciousness
2. The science of consciousness
3. Transcendental Meditation: the secret passageway
4. Transcendence: beyond waking, sleeping, and dreaming
5. The physiology of transcendence
6. From transcendence to super mind: an extraordinary transformation
7. The consciousness integration questionnaire
II. Gifts of the super mind
8. Connecting body and mind
9. Building a better brain
12. Engagement and detachment: a delicate dance
14. Transcendence and mindfulness
15. Meditate and grow rich
16. Meditate and be happy
III. Beyond the super mind
17. The super mind in action
18. Cosmic consciousness: super mind round the clock
19. Transcendent surprises and the growth of consciousness
20. Toward a connected universe
Appendix 1: Answers to questions about the super mind
Appendix 2: Consciousness integration questionnaire.