From the Book - First edition.
Learning new steps on a different floor
Everyone is selling somebody something
Classes in the college of bad debts
The art of legitimate selling
The biggest myth about sales and life
The world owes you nothing
How do you know what you're good at?
The 80/20 rule and how it rules life
All the things about selling that I learned from dancing
Five things that every salesperson needs to know
Five things that everyone in sales needs to do
Sometimes the most difficult person to be is yourself
The closing conundrum: people want to buy; they don't want to be sold
Setting your moral compass
The best source of your job security is... you
Think of a job application as an ad campaign
Learn to swim with sharks without being one
It's not the school prom (but sometimes it feels that way)
If you can't see it, you can't reach it
Beware of the bull's-eye on your back
The significance of socks