From the Book - First edition.
Part One. The first age of water : A universe of water ; The miracle of life ; The evolution of humanity ; The beginning of agriculture ; The great flood ; Controlling water ; The first water war ; Laws and institutions ; From the first to the second age
Part two. The second age of water : Scientific revolutions ; Tackling the scourge of water-related diseases ; The science of safe water ; Building modern systems ; Water poverty ; Commercializing and privatizing water ; Water and conflict ; The blue-green revolution ; Industrial growth and environmental disasters ; The loss of nature ; Floods and droughts ; Climate change ; From the second to the third age
Part three. The third age of water : A new way forward ; Meet basic human needs ; Recognize the true value of water ; Protect and restore ; Tackle climate change ; Avoid waste ; Recycle and reuse ; Desalt ; A vision for the future ; Getting from here to there.