Clovis caches: discoveries, identification, lithic technology, and land use / Bruce B. Huckell and J. David Kilby
New insights into the Simon Clovis cache / Paul Santarone
A contextual and technological reevaluation of the Dickenson Blade Cache, Blackwater Locality No. 1, Roosevelt County, New Mexico / Peter C. Condon, George Crawford, Vance T. Holliday, C. Vance Haynes Jr., and Jill Onken
Clovis caches and Clovis knowledge of the North American landscape: the Mahaffy Cache, Colorado / Douglas B. Bamforth
The JS Cache: Clovis provisioning the southern plains late Pleistocene landscape / Leland C. Bement
The Carlisle Clovis Cache from central Iowa / Matthew G. Hill, Thomas J. Loebel, and David W. May
Determining a cultural affiliation for the CW Cache from northeastern Colorado / Mark P. Muñiz
But how do we know if it's Clovis?: An examination of Clovis overshot flaking of bifaces and a North Dakota cache / Bruce B. Huckell
Putting the specialization back in Clovis: what some caches reveal about skill and the organization of production in the terminal pleistocene / Jon C. Lohse, C. Andrew Hemmings, Michael B. Collins, and David M. Yelacic
Clovis lithic procurement, caching, and mobility in the central great plains of North America / Steven R. Holen
Direction and distance in Clovis caching: the movement of people and lithic raw materials on the Clovis-age landscape / J. David Kilby
Opportunities and challenges in working with Clovis caches: some concluding thoughts / J. David Kilby and Bruce B. Huckell.