Introduction / by Stephanie McCarter --
Metamorphoses: Book One. Proem ; The Creation of the World ; The Creation of Human Beings ; The Ages of Humankind ; The Gigantomachy ; The Council of the Gods ; Lycaön ; The Flood ; Deucalion and Pyrrha ; The Python ; Apollo Attempts to Rape Daphne ; Jove Rapes and Transforms Io ; Syrinx and Pan ; Mercury Kills Argus ; Io Regains Her Form ; Phaethon --
Book Two. Phaethon (continued); Reactions to Phaethon's Death: The Heliades, Cycnus, and the Sun ; Jove Rapes Callisto ; The Raven and Coronis ; The Crow and Nyctimene (the Owl) ; The Raven and Coronis (continued) ; Ocyrhoë Becomes Hippe ; Battus ; Mercury, Herse, and Aglauros ; Jove Rapes Europa --
Book Three. Cadmus ; Diana and Actaeon ; Jove and Semele ; Tiresias ; Echo and Narcissus ; Pentheus ; Acoetes' Crew Becomes Dolphins ; Pentheus (continued) --
Book Four The Daughters of Minyas ; Pyramus and Thisbe ; Venus and Mars ; The Sun Rapes Leucothoë ; Salmacis Rapes Hermaphroditus ; The Daughters of Minyas Become Bats ; Ino and Athamas ; Cadmus and Harmonia Become Snakes ; Perseus and Atlas ; Perseus and Andromeda ; Perseus and Medusa --
Book Five. The Battle for Andromeda ; Perseus, Proetus, and Polydectes ; Minerva and the Muses ; Pyreneus Tries to Rape the Muses ; The Pierides Challenge the Muses ; Pluto Kidnaps and Rapes Proserpina ; Alpheus Tries to Rape Arethusa ; Triptolemus ; The Pierides Become Magpies --
Book Six. Arachne ; Niobe ; Lycian Rustics Become Frogs ; Apollo Flays Marsyas ; Pelops Mourns for Niobe ; Tereus Rapes Philomela ; Boreas Rapes Orithyia --
Book Seven. Medea and Jason ; Medea and Aeson ; Medea and Pelias ; Medea's Flight ; Theseus ; Minos ; The Arrival of Cephalus in Aegina ; The Plague at Aegina ; Cephalus and Procris --
Book Eight. Scylla and Minos ; The Labyrinth ; Daedalus and Icarus ; Daedalus and Perdix ; The Calydonian Boar Hunt ; Althaea and Meleager ; Acheloüs ; The Echinades ; Acheloüs Rapes Perimele ; Baucis and Philemon ; Erysichthon and His Daughter Mestra --
Book Nine. Acheloüs and Hercules ; Hercules, Deianira, and the Centaur Nessus ; The Death of Hercules ; Hercules and Lichas ; The Deification of Hercules ; Alcmena and the Birth of Hercules ; Dryope ; Iolaüs and the Prophecy of Themis ; Byblis and Caunus ; Iphis and Ianthe --
Book Ten. Orpheus and Eurydice ; Orpheus Charms the Trees ; Cyparissus ; The Songs of Orpheus ; Jove Rapes Ganymede ; Apollo and Hyacinthus ; The Cerastae and the Daughters of Propoetus ; Pygmalion and the Ivory Statue ; Myrrha and Cinyras ; Venus and Adonis ; Atalanta and Hippomenes ; The Death of Adonis --
Book Eleven. The Death of Orpheus ; Punishment of the Maenads ; Midas ; The Foundation of Troy ; Peleus Rapes Thetis ; Peleus at the Court of Ceÿx ; Daedalion and Chione ; Psamathe's Wolf ; Ceÿx and Alcyone ; The Storm at Sea ; The House of Sleep ; Aesacus and Hesperia --
Book Twelve. The Sacrifice of Iphigenia ; The House of Rumor ; Achilles and Cycnus ; Nestor's Tales ; Neptune Rapes Caenis/Caeneus ; The Battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs ; Cyllarus and Hylonome ; Caeneus ; Hercules and Periclymenus ; The Death of Achilles --
Book Thirteen. Ajax and Ulysses Contend for Achilles' Armor ; The Fall of Troy ; The Sacrifice of Polyxena ; Hecuba and Polymestor ; Aurora and Memnon ; Aeneas' Travels ; Anius and His Daughters ; The Daughters of Orion ; Aeneas' Travels Resumed ; Galatea, Acis, and Polyphemus ; Scylla and Glaucus --
Book Fourteen. Glaucus, Scylla and Circe ; The Travels of Aeneas Resumed ; The Sibyl and Apollo ; Macareus and Achaemenides Swap Tales ; Achaemenides' Tale: The Cyclops ; Macareus' Tale (I): Circe and Odysseus' Men ; Macareus' Tale (II): Circe, Picus, and Canens ; Aeneas' Wars in Latium ; Diomedes' Men Become Birds ; The Apulian Shepherd ; Aeneas' Ships Become Sea Nymphs ; The Defeat of Turnus ; Ardea Transforms into a Heron ; The Deification of Aeneas ; The Alban Kings ; Pomona and Vertumnus ; Iphis and Anaxarete ; Pomona and Vertumnus (continued) ; War with the Sabines ; The Deification of Romulus ; The Deification of Hersilia --
Book Fiften. Numa ; Myscelos and the Founding of Croton ; Pythagoras ; Egeria and Hippolytus/Virbius ; Cipus ; Asclepius ; The Deification of Julius Caesar ; Epilogue.