From the Book - First edition.
Ireland, Ireland. The murder of a soul ; Taut wire
What child was this? Near the house ; A close presence, my spirit twin ; Disabused ; A chosen people
Nulla Salus: "No salvation outside the Church". Please call a priest ; De Profundis: "Out of the depths I have cried unto thee" ; Good boy no more
A theology of abuse: Anselm and Augustine. St. Anselm, God damn ; St. Augustine, un-indicted co-conspirator ; Destroy the world to save it ; Some damn food like you
The Church against itself. Pope John and me ; Clericalism and male supremacy ; Contraception and corruption ; The history of history
A priest forever? The things that last ; The Bishop of God's love ; Respect and obedience ; Undisbeliever
Chosen hope. A tiny opening ; How to go forward ; Hope is a choice
Epilogue: A Catholic manifesto: an anti-clericalism from within.