Part I. This is all just as crazy as you think it is
The second half of the sentence: why words of comfort feel so bad
It's not you, it's us: our models of grief are broken
Emotional illiteracy and the culture of blame
Part II. What to do with your grief
Living in the reality of loss
You can't solve grief, but you don't have to suffer
How (and why) to stay alive
What happened to my mind? Dealing with grief's physical side effects
Grief and anxiety: calming your mind when logic doesn't work
What does art have to do with anything?
Find your own image of "recovery"
Part III. When friends and family don't know what to do
Should you educate or ignore them?
Rallying your support team: helping them help you
The tribe of after: companionship, true hope, and the way forward
Love is the only thing that lasts
Appendix. How to help a grieving friend.