Introduction: ¿Qué es mojo?
Section one. The history of the Mojo-fied world: from raw cat to your cat
The Victorian tipping point
Section two. A crash course in cats
Communication: cat code cracking
The Mojo archetypes and the confident where
Section three. The cat mojo toolbox
Raw cat 101 and the three Rs
Catification and territory: mojo-fying the home terrain
Cat/animal relationship mojo: introductions, additions, and ongoing negotiations
Cat/human relationship mojo: introductions, communications, and your role in the mojo
Whose line is it anyway? Cat parenting and the human challenge line
Section four. The cat mojo cookbook: cat daddy solutions for industrial strength issues
When excessive scratching becomes an issue
When your cats don't get along
When your cat is biting or scratching humans
When your cat exhibits annoying, attention-seeking behaviors
When your cat exhibits "anxiety-related" behaviors
When outside cats cause trouble for inside cats
When your cat is a wallflower
When your cat is thinking outside the (litter) box