Medical paintings : Heavenly abode of the medicine Buddha Bhaishajyguru
Physiology and its pathological transformation
Metaphors and measurements of the human body
The interconnecting blood vessels and channels
Minor connecting blood vessels or capillaries
Course of the life span principle
The three humors, human characteristics, and omens in the physicians path
Prophylactics, diagnosis, and treatment
Moxibustion, surgical, and bloodletting points
Humoral diseases, indigestion, and tumors
Humoral and other diseases
Topographical lines of the vulnerable points of the body
The greater elixir of rejuvenation
The lesser elixir of rejuvenation
Diagnosis through the tongue, tranquilizing agents, and oil therapy
Cathartic procedures and bloodletting
Bloodletting and moxibustion
Moxibustion and minor surgery
External therapies and minor surgery
Treatment of ostensible diseases and diseases caused by imaginary demons
Treatment of absolute and karmic diseases and similes associated with the Four Tantras
Entrustment of the Four Tantras