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"Do you ever get the feeling that you don't quite belong to the present, or that you've lived before? Reincarnation -- the belief that we are all reborn many times -- lies at the heart of many of the oldest religions, philosophies, and faiths. It is being recognized by more and more people today as the truth behind who we really are. If you want evidence of reincarnation, you'll find it within these pages. Read about the children who identified long-dead...
This is a behind the energetic scenes look at what happens in the incarnation process. You are taken each step of the way from the point of death to the decision to incarnate again and through the myriad of teachings in between.Imagine what it would be like to talk to a recently deceased loved one. What questions would you ask? What is it like? Are previous reports correct?In The Anne Dialogues these same questions were asked and a depth of knowledge...
During this Age of Aquarius, knowledge of reincarnations is now a possibility for everyone. Ms. Rosewater describes some of her experiences of receiving channeled knowledge of incarnation during World War II. To have knowledge of your own souls journeys through history is a revelation worth having.
Do you want meaningful, inspirational answers to important questions about God, the universe, and the meaning of life? Are you an open-minded, spiritual seeker who is willing to look outside the boundaries of traditional religions? Then you'll want to know about new spirituality. It's not a new religion or organization; it's a new worldview based on love, tolerance, compassion, and freedom. It's based on the writings of people such as Neale Donald...
5) My Journey Down the Reincarnation Highway: The True Story of a Man Who Found Nine of His Past Lives
In this personal account, one man details how he discovered the fact of reincarnation and explores what he did in his prior lives.
More people than you would believe have prior life memories. In his new spiritual memoir My Journey down the Reincarnation Highway: The True Story of a Man who found nine of His Past Lives author and businessman Frank Mares tells how he acquired psychic ability in his middle age. With this new gift, he recovered facts...
Offers everything you need to know and more about traveling into and through your past lives. THE COMPLETE DO-IT-YOURSELF GUIDE TO PAST LIFE REGRESSION gives step-by-step instructions, interwoven with an in-depth script, for remembering and re-experiencing events and emotions in previous lifetimes. Included are sidetracks that show how you can use the same information in your present life for many positive purposes and side trips-interesting adventures...
Life and the After-Life is a book that chronicles Laura Powers' journey growing up as a girl who sensed ghosts and spirits and other beings. The book tells her personal story in order to help others have a greater understanding of the other side and better navigate through life with this knowledge. Laura shares information about the after-life, angels, ghosts, asking for help, and other knowledge she has gained through her work.
8) The Book
The Book is a story spanning over forty years. A book of unconditional love that never died. It is a story of choices. How choices made for the wrong reason can affect our lives forever.
It is about the division between ego and spirit or human and soul, for it is our ego, that makes us human, and our spirit, that makes our soul. Only when our ego dies can unconditional love be, fulfilled as our spirit takes its place. It is the story of two ego-based...
Ann Of 1,000 Lives is a personal journey through many lives of Ann Palmer - her personal stories received through chaneling, regressions, psychic readings that took many years to compile in form. This book gives a different perspective of past lives and should be enlightening for the reader.
Dying to be Born takes a complete and comprehensive view of reincarnation and how it works. This book traces in step-by-step detail the stages between death and being born. It answers the questions of why and how we reincarnate. By understanding the progression of life after death, it will help dispel the fear of the unknown that death presents for most of us. The book examines the entire circular process of the soul's spirit-learning from aging through...
Megan's school tests
A spirit guide, a ghost tiger and a scary mother!
Megan is a thirteen-year-old teenage girl who discovers and realizes that she has psychic powers that others do not. At first, she tried to talk to her mother about them, but with disastrous consequences, so she learned to keep quiet about them.
However, some offer their help, and one animal showed a special friendship, but they did not live in the true sense of the word. They...
A quantum approach to anthropology involves applying principles from quantum mechanics to the study of human culture, behavior, and social systems. This approach acknowledges the uncertainty and unpredictability of human behavior, recognizing that individuals can exhibit both collective and individual characteristics, and exist in multiple states or identities simultaneously. It also explores the interconnectedness and interdependence of social relationships,...
Salvador acaba de fallecer y está a las puertas del cielo. Es recibido por su guía espiritual que le mostrará los próximos pasos de su nueva vida.
El reencuentro con sus seres queridos, la revisión de su última encarnación, asistir a reuniones de planificación de las almas... serán algunas de sus nuevas experiencias.
En la Tierra, Martín es enviado a los Alpes Suizos para encontrarse con un maestro bastante peculiar. Allí será preparado...
Have you ever wondered about different supernatural creatures, what they are really like, what they do, and if and how you need to protect yourself from them? This book is designed to entertain and to keep you safe from vampires, werewolves, djinn, and other supernatural creatures that share our world. Have you wondered if these are purely fictional creatures? This book will help you separate the fact from the fiction and be better equipped to handle...
Experience another world of beauty and serenity.This book is the story of a soul who journeys through the spirit world, visiting the Spheres of Healing, Wisdom and Inspiration, among others. It explores the many avenues for growth and development available to souls free of the bonds of Earth. Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, in this book you are invited to consider the possibility that life never ends - and you never stop learning.
We create families with animals. They die. And sometimes … they come back. Here's the true story of how Alki, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, died in 2014, reincarnated as Oliver the Cavalier in 2015, and found his way home again with the help of his bemused, quick-thinking human, a professional intuitive and animal communicator. Using true stories from her practice, including how her animals keep coming back to her, Robyn M Fritz shares how...
Hello, my friends! Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever wondered about the Afterlife: what it's like, what are Heaven and Hell like; will we see our family, friends and pets again? Have you ever pondered who God and the Holy Trinity are; does each religion have its own god; who are Mary, the saints and the angels; who is the devil? Ever wondered about Creation versus Evolution? This unique novel, "Conversations with Blanchie," is loosely...
John Oswald 70-year-old Argentine writer, based in California since 2016, owner of di erent lines of business and companies, pursued a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa), and later continued his professional development at di erent training entities in Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and the United States. He actively participated in multinational meetings on past life memories, rebirth and spiritism....
What if you could see a loved one who has died, not in a future spiritual realm, but here and now, in this lifetime?
It is possible, says Carol Bowman, author of Children's Past Lives and a pioneer in reincarnation studies. Based on in-depth research and direct observation of very young children, she shows in this groundbreaking book how common it is for beloved relatives to reincarnate into the same family. Typical families share how their children...
Two hundred and twenty-five years ago a political revolution took place in this country which swept power from the English monarchy and gave it to the people of the New World. Today, a spiritual revolution is underway in which spiritual power and responsibility are passing from institution to individuals. You'll be shocked to learn that the same people are at the heart of both world-changing movements. John Adams, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, the justices...
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