Catalog Search Results
Gore Vidal, winner of the National Book Award, once again proves himself a provocative contemporary American critic. In this far-ranging collection of essays, he brings his keen intellect to a wide range of subjects--from profiles of Clare Boothe Luce and Charles Lindbergh, to provocative analyses of literary icons John Updike and Mark Twain.
Physical Desc
343 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
For this collection, Wallace immerses himself in the three-ring circus that is the presidential race in order to document one of the most vicious campaigns in recent history. Later he strolls from booth to booth at a lobster festival in Maine and risks life and limb to get to the bottom of the lobster question. Then he wheedles his way into an L.A. radio studio, armed with tubs of chicken, to get the behind-the-scenes view of a conservative talk show...
10) The cushion in the road: meditation and wandering as the whole world awakens to being in harm's way
Physical Desc
xii, 365 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Essays revisiting themes the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, poet, essayist, and activist has addressed throughout her career, exploring her conflicting impulses to retreat into inner contemplation and to remain deeply engaged with the world: racism, Africa, solidarity with the Palestinian people, the presidential campaign of Barack Obama, Cuba, health care, and the work of Aung San Suu Kyi.
Physical Desc
ix, 532 pages ; 25 cm
"A sweeping collection and a tribute to one of the most influential, daring, and visionary minds of the twentieth century The year 2015 marks several literary milestones: the centennial of Saul Bellow's birth, the tenth anniversary of his death, and the publication of Zachary Leader's much anticipated biography. Bellow, a Nobel Laureate, Pulitzer Prize winner, and the only novelist to receive three National Book awards, has long been regarded as one...
Physical Desc
vii, 272 pages ; 22 cm
"Engaging, unusual essays written over the last two decades, on matters literary, social, cultural, and personal--from the explosive date rape debates of the '90s to the ubiquitous political adultery of the '00s, from Anton Chekhov to Celine Dion. Here is Mary Gaitskill the essayist: witty, direct, penetrating to the core of each issue, personality, or literary trope (On Updike: "It is as if [he] has entered a tiny window marked 'Rabbit,' and, by...
Physical Desc
xii, 161 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
A winning collection of essays about home, love, cooking, politics, and the writing life from the acclaimed novelist.
A personal collection of essays describes the author's forays into online dating, widowhood, and caring for her elderly parents.
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