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In a series of episodes as fantastic as any fiction, a powerful civilization crumbled at the hands of a small band of warriors. Written by one of America's great historians, this gripping chronicle draws upon the firsthand accounts of eminent sixteenth-century captains and statesmen to relate the overthrow of the Inca empire by the Spanish adventurers under Pizarro's command. Author William H. Prescott's immensely readable narrative crackles with...
Get the Summary of Michael Lewis's Flash Boys in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Original book introduction: Flash Boys is about a small group of Wall Street guys who figure out that the U.S. stock market has been rigged for the benefit of insiders and that, post—financial crisis, the markets have become not more free but less, and more controlled by the big Wall Street banks. Working at different firms, they...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 The mood in the helicopter was upbeat, especially from Ronnie Means. He had taken a job building concrete silos before joining the Army, and he looked like he was giddy. I didn't hit it off with him until we spent five hours together on a bus.
#2 I had always known cold and snow in December, but here, the air was so thick and muggy that I struggled to take deep breaths....
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.
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#1 The men in the canoes were skilled, but they knew disaster was just a moment away. They were navigating among the islands of wbanakik, a beautiful but dangerous edge of the world.
#2 The Wapánahki were not a unified people. The languages spoken by those living far away were similar but subtly different from those of Ktə̀hαnəto and his relatives. They knew that...
More than 700 quotations provide a running narrative by the many who lived through or died in the Civil War. The voices of the great and famous, the ordinary and the unknown, resound in these pages. Arranged chronologically and divided by specific topics and events, this well-researched volume puts a human face on history.
7) Los Mayas
En la región que se extiende desde Chiapas hasta El Salvador, desde el litoral de Tabasco hasta Belice y Honduras, y en la península de Yucatán, los mayas construyeron una civilización brillante, que durante siglos alcanzó un gran nivel intelectual y cultural. Esta obra nos descubre esta civilización lejana y nos presenta: los orígenes de la cultura maya (la herencia olmeca...), el apogeo intelectual y cultural (astronomía, matemáticas,...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 The Industrial Revolution in America began in the mid-eighteenth century when small-scale manufacturing underwent a radical transformation with the development of new technology that used waterpower to generate energy that moved machines.
#2 The Industrial Revolution, which took place from about 1760 to about 1830, was the second technological advancement that allowed...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.
Book Preview: #1 The slave trade was the largest commercial enterprise in the history of humanity, spanning continents and generations. It involved a vast and lowly proletariat, hundreds of thousands of sailors, and millions of slaves.
#2 A man named Captain Tomba was among a group of dejected prisoners in a holding pen. He was tall, strong, and defiant. He saw a group of white men...
10) Savage Kingdom
Epic history of the first Virginia Colony and the true story of Pocahontas, to coincide with the colony's 400th anniversary in 2007.
Four centuries ago, and fourteen years before the Mayflower, a group of men-led by a one-armed ex-pirate, an epileptic aristocrat, a reprobate cleric and a government spy-left London aboard a fleet of three ships to start a new life in America. They arrived in Virginia in the spring of 1607, and set about trying to...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 The first Americans entered human history as Asia's east. They were hunters who spread and multiplied across the Americas, and they forgot where they came from. The American West was sparsely populated because of a lack of water, while the Great Plains were rich due to the resource of buffalo.
#2 The Mississippi River was the central artery of North America, and its...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 The 1972 AFC playoffs were the first postseason appearance for the Raiders in four decades. The team was met with fans who were ready to celebrate, but were blocked from getting to the hotel by police. Moore and several other players decided to confront the police officers themselves.
#2 Moore's first Badass proclamation was when he called a riot-squad cop a...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.
Book Preview: #1 I was extremely nervous and excited to go to a predominantly white school. I struggled to make new friends because I was always thinking about how I looked, spoke, and acted.
#2 I was not alone in my struggle to understand my new classmates. I was extremely nervous about going to school, because I was not one of the popular girls, and I was sure that they would make...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.
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#1 I am going to tell you the story of my life, as you wish. I will first make an offering and send a voice to the Spirit of the World, which may help me be true. These four ribbons hanging on the stem are the four quarters of the universe. The black one is for the west where the thunder beings live to send us rain.
#2 The pipe was brought to the tribe by a scout who...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 I was home for the holidays one night when someone brought up the subject of Frankie Filia, my mother's cousin who had come home to visit. He was a jazz singer who had left town a lifetime ago for Las Vegas, but he had recently decided to retire and come home.
#2 I knew my grandfather was a mobster, but I didn't know the details. I didn't want to learn more, and I...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 When Abraham Lincoln was eighteen, he lost his sister, Sarah, who was two years older than he was. She had been his only companion after the death of their mother.
#2 Lincoln's boyhood was marked by tragedy and grief, and his adult life was characterized by shocks of violence and suffering even greater than those of his youth. He was haunted by the specter of death.
"The net's full of fish so keep it tight and away from that riptide or we'll lose them! What do you mean a spark plug broke? Quick get a similar one from the outboard and re-gap it."The food freighter with our winter supply of canned goods is going to be at least three weeks late. It's a good thing our freezer is full of clams, crabs, fish, caribou and moose meat."Olay kids, here's a letter stating that our mail-order winter clothes won't get shipped...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 World War Two meant many things to many people. It meant death for many, technological innovation, bureaucratic expansion, and an extraordinary mobilization of human resources and ideological fervor for governments.
#2 Racism played a significant role in World War Two, and it was not limited to the Nazis. The Western Allies, particularly the United States and United...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview:
#1 The police precinct of Midtown North is a microcosm of the public picture of New York. It stretches from the Hudson River piers and the decrepit West Side Highway east to the soaring towers and exclusive shops that line Fifth Avenue.
#2 There is a barely concealed stench of desperation and fear beneath the wealth, glitter, and success of New York City. For some,...
A desperado in the shadow of the gallows recounts his life of crime in this rollicking seventeenth-century memoir. Michael Martin, better known as Captain Lightfoot, confessed his history of highway robbery to a Boston reporter shortly before his execution. Martin had cut a dashing figure as Captain Lightfoot, renowned for his courtly manners and his Robin Hood-like predilection for stealing only from well-to-do men. His tale of adventure and intrigue,...
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