Catalog Search Results
Hopefully, you've already met Larry the Leaf and his friends in the original story Larry the Leaf. In this episode of Larry's life high atop Max, the majestic maple tree, you will be spellbound as Larry and the gang try to formulate and execute a plan with God's help to stop thieves from robbing Katy's farmhouse. How can a leaf, a tree, a black bear, a deer, some bees, a squirrel, a bluebird, and a raccoon possibly stop two dangerous thieves? And...
2) Azazel
The central character of the Bible is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The Old Testament points to His first coming as the Savior of the world. The Gospels relay His biography while on earth, and the remainder of the New Testament point to His return to earth as the divine ruler of heaven and earth.
The lamb is the figure used throughout the Bible to point to many characteristics of Jesus, He being the perfect sacrifice for mankind, the scapegoat for...
"Old English Sheepdogs are teenagers all their lives!" I was told this a little over thirty years ago when I brought my first sheepie into our home. By watching their funny comical ways, our most recent household members-who are actually named Lizzie and Lenny-made writing this book so very easy. This series demonstrates how simple but cute this breed can be. Since these doggies are children at heart, these books are written to give back the lessons...
4) Gingersnap!
Gingersnap! is fiction yet based on a true story. I am not the little girl in the story but am the one who found Gingersnap. Parishioners and church interns had shared their eyewitness accounts of this cat that entered into the church with mournful meows one night and slept in the church bus.
I was blessed to be able to adopt Gingersnap and spend many a year with this gentle, sweet kitty.
Thank you for allowing me to share his story!
Climb aboard the Holy Mackerel with an adventurous cat named Arkansas and his friends Beau and Rylan as they go back in time to meet Ship O. Hoy, Arkansas's great-great-great-great-grandfather who was on the ark with Noah.
While on this great adventure, you will learn life lessons that can apply to your everyday life while discovering more about what Noah and Ship O. Hoy experienced when they built the ark and in the time they spent on the ark...
This is the story of the beautiful, unbreakable bond between a boy and his dog. There is nothing more special then witnessing firsthand when a boy meets his best friend for the first time. This book takes the reader on a special journey to Bethlehem to experience just such a meeting between an amazing young boy and his faithful, loyal companion. Join Sami Sue on her adventure from being a frightened, timid puppy to the protector of the most famous...
7) Horse Tales
Horse Tales are four individual short stories involving prayers and horses. Each story shows an example of a prayer to God and how it can encourage his involvement in our daily lives. Different breeds of horses appear in every story, all working together with their riders in very honorable and notable ways.
God gave Adam a really, big order. He was to name all the animals from around earth's borders. Kids will be delighted with the rhymes and lifelike colorful illustrations in Adam's Animal Kingdom. All kids will enjoy reading or listening as Moms, Dads, Grandparents or anyone share their favorite animal rhymes. It's also very educational.
Big Bonus! The names of the animals are written in alphabetical order from A to Z. A great tool for teachers too.
Cory's Tales is a collection of charming stories about lovable creatures from God's creation that help teach Katie and Jeffrey principles and values as they face challenges in their young lives. Along the way, they meet Silly Millie Moose, Peter Proud Peacock, Flash the Firefly, and many others. Cory's Tales is not merely a book of stories but a tool to help parents instill the Christian principles and values of obedience, self-esteem, kindness, compassion,...
Jackie the Brave Faces Darkness is about a puppy who is afraid of the dark. However, he gets adopted into a Christian family, who then, over the course of time, teach him how to pray and trust in God's goodness for his safety and security. Trusting in God's goodness then gives the puppy peace of mind. The puppy's anxieties are calmed, and joy begins to fill his little puppy heart.
Jackie the Brave Faces Darkness is the second book in a series of...
12) Monster Tails
Monster Tails is about a Siamese cat named Monster that gets adopted by a Christian family. As the kitten grows, he becomes an integral member of this family. So, as the family studies their Bible, Monster overhears their conversation. Not quite understanding their conversation, Monster goes outside and sees his friend Spock. Together the two kitties discuss the pros and cons of surrendering their hearts to Jesus. Not finding any downside to the proposition,...
I feel that God's Loving Light is an encouraging book to give to children and everyone as a true reminder of God's love for them along with all of God's creation. There is so much darkness and negativity around that we need to shine God's loving light. Explaining what animals see in their everyday surroundings of God's love can help us all to understand and enjoy the love we see God provides us all. May God be given the glory. Oh, what loving light...
Boy Jesus and His Dog is an inspired story of the imagination. The story, which takes place in Nazareth, is about the love that Boy Jesus and his dog, Angel, share with each other in a time when most dogs were wild and unfamiliar with the human-dog bond we have today.
Boy Jesus, sometimes guided by his Heavenly Father, gradually develops a relationship with Angel that is spiritually moving and shows how boy and dog are prepared to sacrifice their...
15) Winnie
Have you ever judged a book by its cover?
Winnie was scared when she arrived at her new home and was not welcomed by Boone because she looked different, than him. Boone and Winnie thought they could not be friends, however, they soon realized how much they, enjoyed one another once they, looked past their physical differences.
It can be scary moving to a new place and meeting new people. God teaches us to treat everyone we meet with love, kindness,...
A tale of an angel's first assignment to the planet's surface filled with hope, love, and mercy. Angel Lilly's exploits fill your heart as she saves the lives of castaway pets that were shown no mercy. She is able to bring together these wonderful creatures with the love they so long for. And finally through the aid of a stone lion, she is shown the path that leads to the hope for one of her special friends, a stray dog, to find the perfect and forever...
A cow and her calf bond and spend time together. Later, the calf interacts with other animals on the farm in a way that you get to know the calf. One day the farmer takes the mother to auction, and the calf is broken-hearted as the mother is taken away in the back of a truck. The night before the auction, the mother breaks out of the local stockyard, which is seventeen exhausting miles away from the farm, and finds her way back to the calf. In the...
The Hank family had some unexpected visitors stop by one morning-goats! These silly goats caused all kinds of havoc during their short visit. Eventually, with the help from others, they were, reunited with their owner.
The goats left the family with many good lessons to reflect on, hidden in the adventures of that morning. The most important being that all of us, at times, can behave like goats and get ourselves lost. Thankfully, God loves each of...
Bestselling author Anthony DeStefano weaves the heart of the parable of the lost sheep into an exciting adventure story for children ages three and older. When paired with Richard Cowdrey's brightly colored illustrations, the tale of repentance and forgiveness is brought to life.
Amidst a flock of a hundred sheep, one small lamb is convinced that the world beyond his Good Shepherd's pastures is worth exploring. While on his big adventure, the little...
Stuffed animals Gigi and Bun-Bun came to live with our grandchildren, Ian and Lucy, when they were toddlers. Over the years, the four of them lived together, daily sharing adventures and strengthening their friendship. They traveled together on vacations to the beach, mountains, and often to school. As time passed, this book took shape and became a reality. Wise Owl and Sly Fox were added later.
Gigi the Giraffe is tall enough to pick leaves from...
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