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What is it that makes dictators fear cartoonists? The answer is that they can't stand to be ridiculed. And they don't help their cause much by so obviously enjoying the trappings of power, appearing in public with a retinue of bodyguards, a fleet of limousines and rows of medals across their chests topped off with over-sized sunglasses. Cartoonists may not be able to topple tyrants or change the course of history, but they can lessen the climate of...
For over three decades editorial cartoonist and BC resident Adrian Raeside has trained his laser wit on a subject he knows well the foibles of life on Canada's wet coast. From yoga devotees to redneck fishermen, political potheads to bloated bureaucrats, plus provincial pet peeves like leaky condos, ICBC premiums and smart meters, no stone is left unturned, particularly when it comes to the politically slanted stereotypes of Left Coasters. Hot topics...
Every little girl should expect to be given the opportunity to chose her own unmentionables; that's just how I see it. My mother was a head-strong farm woman with little to no time for frivolity. We were given the necessities and their absolute 'best' explanations on life's wonderments though quite a good amount of it was rather 'off the wall'. Still, we loved our parents and found ways to forgive their shortcomings as I'm sure they did for us as...
10) Cannabis Works!
I wanted to write a brief summary about this cartoon book. I wrote another self-published cartoon book in 2005. My publisher at that time was in Canada.
I enjoy sketching out these cartoons for friends and family. I've been doing it since I was fourteen. Depending on what is on the news and what people are currently, talking about, that's how I choose a topic.
This year of 2020 is like no other year before. We all must dig deeper and adapt to our...
11) Le visiteur
Chassés de leurs habitations par la chaleur accablante, Pyro et Glucosine ont décidé de dormir à la belle étoile, au bord du lac. Un étrange visiteur apparaît près d'eux pendant que Glucosine rêve à un prince charmant et que Pyro ronfle. Qui est cet être mystérieux, venu d'un lointain pays? Pourquoi est-il là? Cette rencontre va faire découvrir au sympathique duo qu'il peut être enrichissant de s'ouvrir à un étranger en quête d'appui....
A collection of 200 cartoons by Kaz.
Laughter is the best medicine and Kaz cartoons are one of the world's most effective remedies.
Over three million copies of his Nellie Nifty, RN book collections and greeting cards in five languages have helped people get well sooner.
Larry's Nellie cartoons have appeared in newspapers and magazines in 21 countries and were awarded the Palma d'Oro, a coveted prize in international cartooning at the 19th International...
Cartoonist Jeff Chaltas brings you to a fascinating and interesting thoroughfare you won't find on any map. It's filled with a wide variety of eccentric characters who will make your most captivating real-life neighbors look mundane. On Dogbone Boulevard, you'll see engaging people and animals in a shared cosmos of cohabitation. They'll provide an array of merry amusement and keen observation as you join them at work, play and home. It's a lighthearted...
A collection of stories, observations and pet peeves. Brassy, breezy - some funny, some serious - always fast and edgy. Like a shot of whiskey in a white wine spritzer world.
"Bill is a master promoter. Nobody like him. Razor sharp. High spirited. Authentic. These juicy, inside stories about his wild career and also about life - told only the way he can tell them - are pure dynamite."
Billie Jean King
"I like Skip the Funeral ......
A super-computing, experimental robot incorporating revolutionary next-generation technology falls out of the sky and lands on a golf course with nowhere to hide. In order to survive, he must learn to play the only game where perfection is impossible. The Perfect Round is the latest project from the creator and designer of Jewels of the Oracle, Jewels II and Forever Worlds CD-ROM games. Due to his extremely delicate sensors, it is absolutely forbidden...
One day Edna decides it is her life purpose to teach people how to have good manners, and how to behave in her correct ways. Her oh-so-important first lesson starts at a coffee shopexcept, well, Edna isnt as mannerly and correct as she thinks. In fact, Edna earns the nickname Enraged Edna, thanks to her illogical temper. Edna is clueless and pretty much thinks she may possibly be one of the most perfect people on the planet. Over the course of her...
Its a toss-up! Fear not, when it comes to which of Roy Schlemmes other cartoon books you might like to acquire. To be honest, if Mens Suits! 25% Off! Is your kind of thing, then you should find each and every one of these other options equally entertaining. All six come in paperback loaded with over 150 samples of Schlemmes unique and quirky humor. *Three are also available as e-books. The titles(reading left to right, following the jugglers looping...
18) The Odysseys
When I was kid I had gift of finding the humor in any and every situation. Whether it be my mom trying to control
me and my brothers, or the fly in the room that would annoy everyone including the cat. My imagination would go wild. To this day I am still finding myself seeing the funny in almost everything. So I decided to put my imagination down on paper, and what better way than to put my world into comic strips. In The Odyssey's you will be taken...
MONSTERS DO UGLY THINGS (But... Monsters do pretty things, too.) is a fun way to look at appropriate social skills. For ages 4 to 400. It is 36 pictures about all things monstrous. This book contains over 100 monsters doing ugly things that people shouldn't do and pretty things that people should do (they just do them in a "monstery" way). Whether you're young, or just young at heart, this book is guaranteed to make you smile. It may even make you...
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