Catalog Search Results
Staying happily married has become a difficult proposition in recent times. Although the institution is still firmly embedded in our culture, divorce rates have steadily climbed since the 1960s. While some marriages are truly divorce-worthy, many other broken marriages can be saved. Recent emphasis on personal needs and greater social acceptance of divorce and alternative lifestyles may have weakened the resolve of partners to work through their problems....
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"Discover a simple and effective way to strengthen your relationship so you can experience greater joy and satisfaction with the one you love. Dr. Gary Chapman's proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper levels of intimacy with your partner -- starting today."--Provided by back cover.
Physical Desc
viii, 269 pages ; 25 cm
"A hilariously candid account of one woman's quest to bring her post-baby marriage back from the brink, with life-changing, real-world advice."
"Many expectant parents spend weeks researching the best crib or safest car seat, but spend little if any time thinking about the titanic impact the baby will have on their marriage -- and the way their marriage will affect their child. Enter Jancee, her well-meaning but blithely unhelpful husband,...
Physical Desc
169 pages ; 19 cm.
"El caso es muy común: una pareja decide casarse y planea con precisión de cirujano cada detalle del matrimonio. Consultan a un astrólogo para elegir la fecha; entrevistan a varios jueces, sacerdotes, ministros o rabinos; pasan semanas decidiendo el menú y la música...Sin embargo, se olvidan de lo más importante: los temas básicos sobre los que hay que ponerse de acuerdo para que la convivencia sea placentera. Desde qué van a hacer con su...
Physical Desc
xix, 262 pages ; 25 cm.
"If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late. James Sexton knows this. After dealing with more than a thousand clients whose marriages have dissolved over everything from an ill-advised threesome with the nanny to the uneven division of carpool duties, he also knows all of the what-not-to-dos for couples who want to build--and consistently work to preserve--a lasting, fulfilling relationship. Described by former clients as a "courtroom gunslinger"...
Physical Desc
251 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
El aclamado autor de Los hombres son de Marte, las mujeres de Venus, vuelve a sorprendernos con otra obra revolucionaria que desvela las causas bioquimicas de la distancia entre los sexos: las hormonas. Para combatir el estres, afirma el autor, las mujeres liberan una hormona llamada oxitocina, mientras que los hombres producen testosterona. Si la oxitocina se genera en situaciones seguras y cooperativas, la testosterona, en cambio, aparece en momentos...
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