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"Como la mayoría de las mujeres, yo ignoraba que era víctima de violencia de género. Mi marido había logrado disminuirme durante años de maltrato psicológico y físico e incluso mediante el uso de drogas. Sin embargo, a pesar de estar casi destruida, logré reconstruir mi dignidad y demostrar mi inocencia. Amaba a mi esposo. Nunca imaginé que pudiera dañarme o que terminaría tratando de destruirme. Tampoco pensé, cuando comenzó a lastimarme,...
"Beyond the Broken Window" weaves themes of mystery and psychological suspense, love and sensuality, grief and growth into this murderous tale that will leave you thoughtful and shaken. How can a woman escape an abusive marriage? Some must die, some have to kill. Even then, are they truly free? Julie Fairburn was 18 in 1977 when she met Rick Madsen, and her heart did flips. This is special, she thought, this is going to be a helluva ride! She didn't...
Getting out of Domestic Violence is not always as easy as it sounds, especially when you have children to bring out too. It took me ten years to get free physically only for me to realize that I was still bound in my mind. Managing to come out from under the abuse with seven children in tow, I realized that if I truly was to survive, I needed to overcome. This required that I sat down and faced some difficult, but necessary truths. The first truth...
Anna es una chica joven. Debería vivir una vida serena y despreocupada como toda la gente de su edad, pero esos son privilegios que desde niña jamás se le concedieron. Stella, su madre, está atada a un hombre violento y celoso del que no consigue separarse, y los maltratos y los abusos forman parte de su vida cotidiana y de la de Anna. Hasta que un día todo cambia.
Este libro narra una historia fuerte, una historia real que ha obtenido la «Mención...
In this manuscript, I have drawn on and listed some data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics involving domestic violence in Australia. Such data is listed hereunder but rather than bore the reader with those banal details I will concentrate on events which could be looked upon as being more of an anecdotal nature.
My career with the Western Australia Police Force stretched for thirty years, with the majority of that period based at police stations...
Holly Sloan is a never-married, educated, independent woman. Holly struggled sporadically with self-worth and value as a never-married. As a person who acknowledges gratitude on a daily basis, she has felt thankful in many ways for never having been married, especially based on feedback from various married peoples' stories.
When Holly realized her negative self-value judgments were a result of outside comments and opinions, she wanted to appreciate...
Phoebe's Perils is a suspense story about domestic violence filled with both fiction and nonfiction. This story reflects some of my own personal story as well as some of those who were in shelters and prisons with me. Names and some details have been changed to protect the innocent.
Follow Phoebe as she decides how best to escape her abuser and find her freedom. Readers should be aware that the views of the abused and abuser are present. Some will...
Do you wonder if you are being abused or if someone you know is being abused?
Do you want to heal from abuse and learn how to live an abuse-free peaceful life?
Overcoming Abuse: Embracing Peace Volume III is an encyclopedic handbook that answers questions on the problem-abuse trauma. No truth is left untold. Detailed Clinical Faith-based treatment strategies are provided. The path is enlightened as the victim takes possession of her life! Triumphant...
It was a bizarre sight, even for a McDonald's drive-thru: a white Jeep sitting about four feet from the order sign. The vehicle before it had ordered and moved forward, leaving plenty of space for the Jeep driver to advance. Of course (as always seems to be the case in this situation), the Jeep headed a long line of waiting vehicles.Thus, I waited for an appropriate amount of time for those possibilities to play out. They did not. I looked more closely,...
When Michael Clark was arrested for domestic violence and his wife moved out, he saw his world falling apart. He knew this was not the person he wanted to be. He was eager to change, but didn't know how. Everything he'd tried in the past to control his behavior had fallen short.
Part memoir, part how-to, From Villain to Hero is unique among domestic violence and domestic abuse books. Michael's true story provides readers rare, first-hand insight into...
Are you married to a man who appears to be a man of God? Does everyone think you're the luckiest woman in the world? Do single women tell you on the regular that they're praying for a husband like yours? Do you try to tell people what is really happening, but it seems no one believes you? Does he appear to have everyone fooled? If this sounds familiar and you find yourself near tears, nauseated and ready to burst, every time you hear this misguided...
Life doesn't have to be like this! Are you getting pushed around? Do you feel you need to do everything asked of you by your partner or anyone else? Do you feel you have to fulfill all your partner's needs no matter what? Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner? Are you picked on and undermined if you question your partner on any issue? Is your self-esteem low? Have you lost your confidence? Do you remember a time when you...
14) Just Breathe
Just Breathe summarizes the necessity of taking time to look into the situations that occur in the lives of many women in this present day. They are held captive to men's verbal and mental abuse to the point that they don't always see and understand who they are and what has really happened to them.
This book brings recognition to those qualities being used against them and the realization of the need to find freedom in who they really are.
This book is about a man and his wife, their deep love for each other, and how it survived until death did they part. Then blind justice intervened. He was accused of killing his wife, the only love of his life. Justice did prevail in the end, which was much too late. I am sure a lot of people out there know about blind justice and broken dreams.
Tyria D. Jones has been happily married for 4 ½ years to the love of her life. She is the mother of 4 beautiful young ladies and 3 handsome young men. She also has 3 adorable grandbabies. Her life is filled with overflowing joy, but it hasn't always been so happy or easy. She struggled for most of her life trying to find out who God created her to be. What was her purpose in life? What made her special in God's eyes? It wasn't until she started looking...
In the end, if there is an end to such wrong, Mrs. Primm, bedridden for six-years, passed away peacefully. Ironically, she passed just one year before her boss, Mr. Dynamic. Old Kernal lived on another two years. He married again and moved to Mexico.
The angel survived another two-years before passing. She is very, much missed but will surely be up in heaven next door to doggie heaven with her loyal companion, Sam.
Mrs. Proper and Cowboy live on...
In "Breaking Free: Overcoming Control in Relationships," embark on a transformative journey towards reclaiming your autonomy and rediscovering your sense of self-worth. Delving deep into the intricacies of manipulative dynamics, this comprehensive guide offers invaluable insights and practical strategies for recognizing, addressing, and ultimately breaking free from controlling relationships. Through a series of ten empowering chapters, readers are...
This book covers
-Learn the secrets of great dating relationships
-Avoid stress, pain, and regrets from bad dating decisions
-Get dating & relationship advice that creates happiness
-Set meaningful relationship goals for dating
-Develop new dating habits that will ensure your success
Have you been suffering from relational pain, regrets, confusion, disappointment, or maybe even abuse? I know what it feels like, trust me, and I want to save you some...
A deeply researched account from an award-winning journalist that uncovers the ways in which abusers exert control in the darkest-and most intimate-ways imaginable.
We fear dark alleys when in truth, home is the most dangerous place for a woman. Of the 87,000 women killed globally in 2017, more than a third (30,000) were killed by an intimate partner, and another 20,000 were killed by a family member. In the US, that rate is 2.5 women killed by their...
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