Catalog Search Results

Provides career resources, resume, and interview help.
Physical Desc
iv, 265 pages ; 25 cm.
Addresses special employment issues facing ex-offenders. This resume guide includes advice on how to write, produce, distribute, and follow up resumes and letters. It also includes over 60 examples of resumes and letters written for ex-offenders.
"Examining many jobs in terms of employment outlook, nature of work, working conditions, education and training requirements, expected earnings, and recommended resources, the book serves as a handy directory for exploring job options appropriate for ex-offenders ... includes summary charts of today's best jobs and separate chapters on transitional employment experiences, job restrictions on ex-offenders, and internal and external barriers to employment....
Physical Desc
iv, 124 pages ; 26 cm
Successful re-entry to the free world for ex-offenders requires strong communication and job interview skills. Includes 101 frequently asked job interview questions, ranging from "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" to "Why should I hire you?" and addresses the best way to answer them.
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