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For what is it that the All lacked, if not the knowledge of the Father?' - Gnostic text from the Gospel of Truth Long before there was a system of belief called Gnosticism there were those who reached for a special intimate knowledge of God and His mysterious ways. The possession of such knowledge, they believed, would bring salvation from suffering. All religious traditions acknowledged that the world is imperfect. Where they differ is in the explanations...
Physical Desc
xiii, 242 pages ; 22 cm.
The Secret History of the Gnostics offers long-awaited illumination on the mystical movement that teaches 'gnosis' - knowledge of God as opposed to unquestioning faith. Acclaimed author Andrew Phillip Smith delves into the myths and practices of this ancient movement, exploring its popularity during 2nd century AD, its subsequent decline under the weight of orthodoxy in the Church, and its present-day resurgence. Gnosticism has travelled a fascinating...
10) Jesus' Twin
In Jesus' Twin, a scholar shares his personal reflections into the Gospel of Thomas offering a learned, accessible introduction as well as inspiring insights into these ancient texts that have long stirred curiosity and inquiry. James Heisig, who has read and studied the texts throughout his distinguished career as a scholar and teacher of religions, shows that the reasons for excluding the Gospel of Thomas from the Christian tradition are largely...
BE PREPARED... This story of Yeshua's life has come from the Akashic Records and is significantly different from the Biblical account. Yeshua's actual message to us is profound and beyond Christian Theology. If adopted it could change the world. Yeshua is the Son of God, but so are you. You, too, can change the world.
In the mid-1970's, during a weekend in California, noted medium Marshall Lever channeled his spirit guide, Chung Fu, before a select...
The inspiration and insight of these Gnostic writings can become a companion on your own spiritual journey.
Just what is a soul, exactly? Where did the idea come from? How do we experience our souls? Two ancient Gnostic texts-The Exegesis on the Soul and The Hymn of the Pearl, both presented here in all-new translations-hold important clues to the development of the soul as a concept and reveal inspiring ways your own soul can remember and return...
A Dictionary of Gnosticism is a scholarly yet accessible guide that covers the people, mythology, movements, scripture, and technical terms related to this pre-Christian Western religion. It contains nearly 1700 entries, from Aachiaram, an angel in the 'Secret Book of John to Zostrianos', a third-century Gnostic text, and is a reliable reference for the Nag Hammadi library and other Gnostic texts. An introduction explains who the Gnostics were and...
This ancient Gnostic text can be a companion for your own spiritual quest.
The Gospel of Philip is one of the most exciting and accessible of the Gnostic texts found at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945. The source of Dan Brown's intriguing speculations about Mary Magdalene in his best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code, the Gospel of Philip draws on ancient imagery-the natural world, the relationships between women, men and family, the ancient distinctions...
A collection of features looking at death. Chapters include dreams of death; near death experiences; can we prepare for death; is there life after death; and a mass of information about peoples experience of death and dying. The chapter of Levels of Awareness is an extraordinary insight into life and death; and the most complete and incisive: Rudolph Steiner's Philosophy of Life and Death.Chapters of the book1 – Death and Beyond2 – Seeing the...
Anyone interested in the feminine face of God throughout the ages will find Sophia an illuminating experience. Caitlin Matthews' scholarship connects us to past, present, and future in the very depths of our femininity. ----Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst and author of Bone: Dying into Life. Sophia, or "wisdom" in Greek, has been revered in many forms throughout history--from the Dark Goddess of ancient Anatolia; to her Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, and...
Most people know Jesus from the four gospels in the Bible and have built up a picture from that material. In our times, other writings have been found that show a very different Jesus, such as the gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene and Judas. The Jesus in those writings is much more spiritual, sometimes even a mystic, showing us the way to our inner selves through insights that we also come across in Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism.
This touching novel...
Gnosticism developed alongside Judeo-Christianity over two thousand years ago, but with an important difference: It emphasizes, not faith, but direct perception of God--Gnosticism being derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning "knowledge." Given the controversial premise that one can know God directly, the history of Gnosticism is an unfolding drama of passion, political intrigue, martyrdom, and mystery. Dr. Hoeller traces this fascinating story...
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