Catalog Search Results

Mango is an easy-to-use, self-paced, online language-learning system. Choose from over 70 languages including English as a second language, Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian, and Russian.
Physical Desc
1 score (136 pages) ; 31 cm
55 hymns of faith, including Amazing Grace, For the Beauty of the Earth, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, O God Our Help in Ages Past, The Old Rugged Cross, Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, There is a Balm in Gilead, and Wondrous Love.
Physical Desc
xi, 197 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
"A fascinating journey through the history of "Amazing Grace," one of the transatlantic world's most popular hymns and a powerful anthem for humanity. Sung in moments of personal isolation or on state occasions watched by millions, "Amazing Grace" has become an unparalleled anthem for humankind. How did a simple Christian hymn, written in a remote English vicarage in 1772, come to hold such sway over millions in all corners of the modern world? With...
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