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A pocket Italian phrase book and dictionary that contains important words and commonly used phrases with translations to help travelers communicate effectively in a foreign country.
Presents key words and phrases to help travelers navigate through Italy and a bilingual dictionary.
Francesca ha una cotta per Giovanni! (trans.): Francesca has a crush on Giovanni! (lit.): Francesca has a baking for Giovanni! Ho mangeato in un ristorante caro, dove mi hanno spennato! (trans.): I ate at an expensive restaurant and got fleeced! (lit.): l ate at an expensive restaurant and got plucked! Mamma mia! Even after years of trying to learn Italian, you still have trouble conversing with a native speaker. Why? Because every day Italian is...
5) GoItalian
Physical Desc
4 audio discs : digital ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 paperback (151 pages ; 20 cm) + 1 MP3-CD.
Eight 30 minute lessons designed to optimize the amount of language you can learn in one sitting.
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