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Physical Desc
viii, 247 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
"Hallowell, known for his work with children and adults, now identifies the underlying reasons why people really lose their ability to focus at work -- where many of today's adults feel distracted and unproductive. He explains why commonly offered solutions like 'learn to manage your time better' or 'make a to-do list' just don't work because they don't address the deeper, underlying issues of mental distraction"--
Physical Desc
x, 213 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
"There is no need to continue dodging, procrastinating, sugarcoating, and fearing dreaded workplace conversations. Surviving Dreaded Conversations gives you everything you need to get through the difficult, face-to-face talks we all encounter at the office. Whether it's firing an employee, asking for a raise, or delivering bad news to a client, author Donna Flagg--business and communications expert and consultant to some of the finest organizations...
Physical Desc
viii, 277 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
"As today's business world becomes ever-more global and virtual, executives and managers are expected to work harmoniously together with counterparts from a broad array of dramatically different cultures and backgrounds, often without leaving their desks. But when you throw people together who come from starkly different backgrounds and cultures-- from Americans who precede anything negative with three nice comments to French, Dutch, Israelis and...
7) How to have a good day: harnessing the power of behavioral science to transform our working lives
Physical Desc
360 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
"In How to Have a Good Day, Caroline Webb, business consultant and former partner at powerhouse McKinsey and Co., brings together the findings on behavioral economics and neuroscience -- subjects that have led to dozens of bestselling books over the last decade -- to show us how we can use these revolutionary new findings to improve how we work. Organized around seven factors that determine whether we have a good day at work, Webb offers us specific...
Physical Desc
ix, 350 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
"Award-winning Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson has influenced legion MBA grads as well as Big Think authors from Brené Brown to Adam Grant with her pioneering work on psychological safety. Now, Amy is bringing her work to the wider world, upending our entire cultural notion of failure with this guide to the science of failing well, which actualizes the potential of psychological safety for both individuals and organizations alike"--...
Physical Desc
vii, 294 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm
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"A visual exploration of how to embrace emotion at work and become more authentic and fulfilled while staying professional. When it comes to emotions at work, there's rarely a happy medium. In some offices, your boss might send snaps of her weekend getaway in Vegas, or your coworker might send twenty texts about how Susan ate his clearly labeled lunch...again. Other offices are buttoned-up emotional deserts, where crying is only allowed in the bathroom...
Physical Desc
vi, 272 pages ; 25 cm
"Have you ever wondered why Bernie Madoff thought he could brazenly steal his clients' money? Or why investors were so easily duped by Elizabeth Holmes? Or how courageous people like Jeffrey Wigand are willing to become whistleblowers and put their careers on the line? Fraud is everywhere-from Nigerian "princes," embezzlers, and Ponzi schemers to corporate giants like Enron and Volkswagen. And fraud is costly. Each year, consumers, small businesses,...
11) The 5 languages of appreciation in the workplace: empowering organizations by encouraging people
You appreciate your coworkers, but do they feel appreciated? In today's workplace it is crucial for employees to feel valued. But that's a challenge when you and your employees communicate appreciation differently. Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White help you: Elevate employee engagement by making your staff feel truly valued ; Decrease turnover and increase loyalty with your employees and supervisors ; Reduce cynicism and create a more positive...
Physical Desc
287 pages ; 21 cm
From the creator of the popular website Ask a Manager and New York magazine's work-advice columnist comes a witty, practical guide to navigating 200 difficult professional conversations -- featuring all-new advice! There's a reason Alison Green has been called "the Dear Abby of the work world." Ten years as a workplace-advice columnist have taught her that people avoid awkward conversations in the office because they simply don't know what to say....
Physical Desc
311 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Cómo tratar con gente complicada te brinda una serie de estrategias y herramientas emocionales y de comportamiento para mejorar tus relaciones interpersonales. Descubre las características de los diferentes psicotipos (tipos de personalidad) para llevarte bien cuando tratas con personas que tienen la misteriosa habilidad de sabotear, descarrilar e interferir con tus planes, necesidades y deseos.
Physical Desc
4 audio discs (approximately 4.5 hrs.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
Human behavior and interpersonal relationships expert Dr. David J. Lieberman presents a collection of step-by-step techniques designed to arm listeners with the interpersonal strategies needed to create lasting team and client relationships.
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