Catalog Search Results
1) Macbeth
Basada en la vida de un personaje histórico, Macbeth, rey de los escoceses entre 1040 y 1057. Macbeth es un noble escocés, valeroso militar. Haciendo caso de una profecía de las brujas y, ante la insistencia de su esposa, Lady Macbeth, comete regicidio y se convierte en rey de Escocia. Esta situación hace que Macbeth viva con ansiedad y miedo, y sea incapaz de confiar en sus nobles. Instaura un reinado de terror hasta ser derrotado por Lord Macduff,...
"The long winter is here. Throughout seven thrilling episodes, the penultimate Season 7 focuses on a convergence of armies and attitudes that have been brewing for years. As the season begins, Daenerys Targaryen--accompanied by her Unsullied army and emboldened by Dothraki/Ironborn allies and her lethal trio of dragons--has finally set sail for Westeros with Tyrion Lannister, her newly appointed Hand. Jon Snow has apparently consolidated power in...
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King T'Challa returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to serve as new leader. However, T'Challa soon finds that he is challenged for the throne from divisions within his own country. When two enemies conspire to destroy Wakanda, the hero known as Black Panther must join forces with C.I.A. agent Everett K. Ross and members of the Wakandan Special Forces, to prevent Wakanda from being drawn into a world war.
Set in a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime. From the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and ancient Wall that protects the realm from the mysterious darkness beyond, the powerful families of the Seven Kingdoms are locked in a battle for the Iron Throne. This is a story of duplicity and treachery, nobility and honor, conquest, and triumph. In the Game of Thrones, you either win or you die....
Physical Desc
4 videodiscs (approximately 250 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
The Fellowship divides to conquer, as Frodo and Sam, with the help and hindrance of Gollum, continue on their way to Mount Doom. Gandalf and Pippin ride to Minas Tirith to help defend Gondor, while Merry remains with Eowyn and the other Rohan fighters. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli seek aid from those that live in the Cursed Mountains. All these battles have one ultimate goal in mind: to distract the Eye of Sauron and buy Frodo as much time as possible...
Physical Desc
1 videodisc (129 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
"This adaptation of the famous short story by Rudyard Kipling tells the story of Daniel Dravot and Peachy Carnahan, two ex-soldiers in India when it was under British rule. They decide that the country is too small for them, so they head off to Kafiristan in order to become Kings in their own right"--IMDb.
Physical Desc
1 videodisc (127 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
When a bloodthirsty legion of half-man/half-beast Krugs rampages through his village, one man picks up a sword and undertakes a quest of vengeance and honor. Haunted by the memory of his son's death and the kidnapping of his wife by the Krugs, Farmer ignites a duty-call for others to join his crusade to stop the campaign of terror waged by an evil sorcerer whose ruthless quest for the crown could spell doom for the entire Kingdom.
9) Becket
Physical Desc
1 videodisc (approximately 150 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Henry II surprises England by naming his fellow rogue and trusted confidant Thomas Becket as Chancellor. But when Henry next appoints him Archbishop of Canterbury, Becket shocks the world by openly defying the King with his newfound faith and compassion. Will a desperate ruler now destroy a beloved friend to save his splintering kingdom?
Physical Desc
1 videodisc (approximately 114 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
China, Later Tang Dynasty, 10th Century. On the eve of the Chong Yang Festival, golden flowers fill the Imperial Palace. The Emperor returns unexpectedly with his second son, Prince Jai. His pretext is to celebrate the holiday with his family, but given the chilled relations between the Emperor and the ailing Empress, this seems disingenuous. For many years, the Empress and Crown Prince Wan, her stepson, have had an illicit liaison. Feeling trapped,...
Physical Desc
4 videodiscs (542 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
After failing to have his marriage to Katherine annulled, Henry appoints himself the head of the Church of England. Anne Boleyn insists that Henry remove the Queen from the picture. A royal visit to France finally prompts Anne to consummate her relationship with Henry. After failed attempts to have his marriage annulled, Henry's patience finally wears out and he marries Anne in secret. The king and new queen are disappointed that their first child...
Physical Desc
3 videodiscs (533 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
The Tudors dramatize the tumultuous years of King Henry VIII's nearly 40 year, omnipotent reign (1509-1547). The final season follows the latter years of one of the greatest figures of Engilish history, King Henry the 8th and his marriages to his fifth wife, Catharine Howard, and his sixth wife Catharine Parr.
Physical Desc
4 videodiscs (approximately 555 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
The Lannisters barely hold on to the throne after a savage naval onslaught from Stannis Baratheon, while stirrings in the north threaten to alter the overall balance of power. Robb Stark, King in the North, faces major calamity in his efforts to build on his victories over the Lannisters while beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder and his huge army of wildlings continue their inexorable march south. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen -- reunited with...
Physical Desc
4 videodiscs (approximately 600 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Kings from across the continent of Westeros vie for the Iron Throne. As winter approaches, the cruel young Joffrey sits upon the Throne in King's Landing, counseled by his conniving mother Cersei and his uncle Tyrion, who has been appointed the new Hand of the King. But the Lannister hold on power is under assault on many fronts, with two Baratheons donning crowns, and Robb Stark fighting as the King in the North.
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