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Christians are called to be thankful.
What we believe about God is evident in how we exhibit thankfulness for all he has done. In this book, pastor Sam Crabtree encourages us to express glad-hearted thankfulness for God's unending provision in all circumstances. Through the daily practices of expressing gratitude-saying "thank you" to a neighbor, serving others in practical ways, or simply thanking God for his many gifts-we recognize the absolute...
God cares a great deal more about our money than most of us imagine. The sheer enormity of Scripture's teaching on this subject screams for our attention. In fact, Jesus says more about how we are to view and handle money and possessions than about any other topic-including both heaven and hell. In Managing God's Money, Randy Alcorn breaks down exactly what the Bible has to say about how we are to handle our money and posessions in a simple, easy-to-follow...
The Lord's audible voice filled the room, introducing the angel standing before me: "Welcome the Minister of Finance for the kingdom." So begins Shawn Bolz's visitations from heaven's minister of finance, who reveals God's divine strategy to reshape the earth, of which you are an essential part. God is releasing finances and resources to those who are ready to receive it and give Jesus Christ his full reward and inheritance in our age. Just as God...
A sobering statistic: For centuries 70 percent of family wealth has dissipated by the second generation, and 90 percent is lost by the third generation. It has nothing to do with taxes, economies, or cultures. It is the failure of families to transfer leadership and values to succeeding generations.
The most important inheritance your children receive from you comes while you are still alive. It is embedded in your everyday life. It is made up of...
Awaken the imagination to what is possible when people of faith respond to God's call. We've forgotten that the key to being healthy is realizing we're not on the path alone. When we're not well, it affects the entire system in which we live, work, and play. When we grasp our shared humanity rather than resisting it, the mirror becomes less dim, and we begin to cast light on questions of health and healthcare. Wholeness and wellness are necessities...
Warning: This book could change the way you live. "Although I've experienced what it's like to get overextended, I've never been poor without options or help," writes Hagmann. "My faith tells me that being a Christian must affect who I am and how I behave with my wealth. Christ has something to say about the way I live my daily life, from how I treat others to how I spend my money." Do you make everyday economic decisions that reflect your Christian...
One of the first things that we learn as children is to take and claim ownership. However, the Bible tells us that God is the Creator of all things, and to the Creator everything belongs. So how do we reconcile that in our minds? How do we live in a godly fashion while still being immersed in the culture of the world?
Like with all things, we need to use the Bible to direct our path. We need to look at the Scriptures, and we need to change our behaviors...
As we operate in the law, order, and principles of God's word, we position ourselves to experience His best. In Malachi 3:10, kjv; God says, "and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Giving "tithes and offerings" is serious business, and I believe this is not only a practice for the Old Testament, but for the New Testament,...
We need new perspectives and deeper connections to meet our current challenges.
To give us hope for a better tomorrow, we need to open up to fresh possibilities and insights. The experiences of Native people, some of which are told here in this Little Book, can provide avenues to deepen our faith and become a stronger community. These stories of abundance and generosity, of tending family and the land, remind us that we are all called to care for...
Have you ever taken a look at our world, full of hurting and needy people, and wondered, "Why doesn't somebody do something?" My friend, that "somebody" is you. God calls Christians to care for others as He has for us, and He established clear guidelines in the Bible to show us how to love by giving of ourselves and our resources. Unfortunately, too many Christians either don't know or don't obey these principles, leaving others to suffer needlessly...
At some point in life we will all come to the intersection of faith and finances. How we navigate that experience will go a long way in determining our success in our walk with God and in life. Imagine the impact financially-free Christians could have on their communities and the world.
The answer to financial turmoil comes from the truths in God's word.
This is the story of the lessons in handling finances from a Godly perspective as experienced...
The tithe today is a most misunderstood topic! Many have relegated it to a thing of the past (as outdated), while others have misunderstood and misapplied its meaning and practice in the church today. This book will attempt to explain the tithe from strictly a New Covenant perspective. For most, who teach in favor of the tithe for today, do so from the Old Testament writings. It is rare to find those who teach the tithe from the New Testament. Many...
God Desires You to Enjoy a Prosperous Life There are many promises in God' s Word that speak about provision and prosperity. Sadly, far too many believers experience a life of limitation and lack. Why is that? Could it be that like unwrapped Christmas presents left under the tree the day after Christmas, Christians are not claiming all the blessing that God promises? In reading this short book, you will discover what the Bible says about God' s plan...
La economía celestial es la más rentable a corto y largo plazo, por lo tanto, te animo a que te transformes en un «inversionista del reino». Debes saber que en el cielo hay un banco donde puedes acumular tesoros y obtener la rentabilidad más importante que jamás hayas tenido, porque las cuentas del reino están envueltas de fe. ¡Conoce las características de un inversionista del cielo y transfórmate en uno!
Living a life of generosity is not reserved for rich people. It's the result of people who are "all in" for giving God permission to use them as a conduit of His blessing and provision.
Kingdom Builders know that they are alive for a purpose bigger than themselves-a purpose committed to building His Kingdom and turning church vision into a magnificent global and local reality.
Sharing from his own journey of living an "all in" life, and telling...
"For wealth certainly makes itself wings, like an eagle that flies toward the heavens." -Proverbs 23:5
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired about your finances? Do you wonder why you just can't seem to get and stay ahead? Why is money so fleeting? Even when you make more money, or tighten up on your spending, does it still seem that it's not enough?
Discover biblical principles in seven areas that will improve and change your perspective...
"Lord, I want to be a benefactor!"
When God promised Patricia King that He would bring benefactors to help with ministry assignments, she answered, "God, I am thankful beyond words ... but I want to BE a benefactor!" The Lord responded, "I shall both make you a benefactor and send you benefactors."
God wants to do this for all His people! He wants you to have benefactors in your life, but more importantly, He wants to make you a benefactor. Blessed...
Is there something more valuable than money, precious stones, silver, and gold? Do you desire to be wealthy and prosperous? Are you already wealthy and prosperous, yet you feel empty and unsatisfied? Are you uncomfortable talking about money because it is "the root of all evil"? This book will not present shortcuts or get-rich-quick schemes, but important principles, laws, and processes involved in generating lasting wealth.
You see, God desires for...
The quintessential guidebook for anyone who desires to handle money with excellence, The Generosity Ladder clarifies what the Bible really says about honoring God with our finances and details a step-by-step plan for attaining financial excellence. This accessible book allows you to fully grasp God's plan for your finances, acknowledge your current level of stewardship, and chart out the steps you need to take in order to handle money in a way that...
What does biblical prosperity have to do with giving? While it is clear from Scripture that God desires to prosper His children materially, the Word's emphasis is not on amassing personal wealth but on having a generous heart like the Father's. Ché Ahn believes that God desires to prosper His people, and that He will do so as they trust His grace to provide for their needs and seek to reflect His giving, blessing image. This happens as believers...
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