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Library of America volume 211
Physical Desc
xxv, 693 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm.
From the eve of the Great Depression to the onset of World War II, Lynd Ward, America's first great graphic novelist, bore witness to the roiling, dizzying national scene as both a master printmaker and a socially committed storyteller. His medium of expression, the wordless "novel in woodcuts," was his alone in the United States, and he quickly brought it from infancy to a still unrivaled richness of drama, characterization, imagery, and technique....
2) Whirl
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cm
Follow the wordless journey of a maple seed, sometimes called a maple key or whirligig, as it helicopters away from its parent tree and floats across a city on the autumn wind.
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 22 cm
What little animal lover wouldn't want to set all the animals in the zoo free and fly through the sky with them? Lift-the-flap and open the door to join Lola and the animals, with an accordion fold that turns the pages into a stand-up story-telling scroll! The little girl in this whimsical wordless adventure story begins the day with a trip to the zoo, accompanied by her mother. Lola has fun imitating the monkeys, the giraffes, and all the animals--until...
6) Hello
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly color illustrations ; 26 cm
In this wordless picture book, an alien visits Earth, makes friends with a little girl, and returns to his home planet to share his experiences.
"Anthony's house is full of family photos -- of his parents' trip to Paris, his great aunt, and Anthony himself as a toddler, holding his favorite rock. When Anthony wakes up one morning, he sees that his "rock" has cracked open -- it's hollow inside. He doesn't see the little face peering out from the closet. Later, he discovers the newly hatched creature and they become friends. Anthony asks his mother about the rock, and she shows him a photo album...
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 27 cm
In a meadow filled with dandelion buds just about to flower, one dandelion blooms into a real lion! Roots and leaves unfurl into four tiny paws and a long tail, complete with a fluffy yellow tuft. What a great wide world there is to explore when you have paws instead of roots-- there are fast trains to ride, regal ships to sail, and cities with lights as bright as Dandelion's field in full bloom. A happy little dandelion views the world with wonder...
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly illustrations ; 25 x 26 cm
"This almost wordless picture book set in the dawn of human life imagines how art and storytelling were born from the power of one young girl's observation. Once upon a time, during the Pleistocene, somewhere between two-and-a-half million and ten thousand years ago, small groups of people traveled their known world, hunting for food, seeking shelter, and slowly becoming more like the people we are today. As far back as 40,000 years ago (and maybe...
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 23 x 29 cm
Papa Monkey and Little Monkey are on their way. But the street is very busy and they are going so slowly! Little Monkey loses patience and jumps onto the fire engine. Up the ladder from there and he joins a TV crew! Then the garbage truck, an aquarium bus, a food cart for rabbits packed with carroty treats, Arctic animals traveling by snow globe, a jewel thief's getaway car ... There is so much going on in the street, it's become a playground! Each...
Told in two voices, a boy who wants a dog more than anything and an abandoned dog looking for a forever home find each other.
Told without words, we follow a boy who wants a dog more than anything. Meanwhile, an abandoned dog is looking for a forever home. And that dog has his eye on our boy! -- adapted from jacket
15) Migrants
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : colour illustrations ; 25 cm
The migrants must leave the forest. Borders are crossed, sacrifices made, loved ones are lost. It takes such courage to reach the end. At last the journey is over and the migrants arrive. This is the new place. With forceful simplicity, Migrants narrates the journey of a group of animals leaving a leafless forest.
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 25 x 28 cm
"In an alternate past--or possible future--a mighty tree stands on the banks of a winding river, bearing silent witness to the flow of time and change. A family farms the fertile valley. Soon, a village sprouts, and not long after, a town. Residents learn to harness the water, the wind, and the animals in order to survive and thrive. The growing population becomes ever more industrious and clever, bending nature itself to their will and their ambition:...
17) Bear
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly illustrations ; 24 cm
"Bear, Staffan Gnosspelius's debut book, is a gorgeous visual meditation on depression. In this deeply affecting, wordless picture book for adults, a bear is maddeningly afflicted with a cone that covers his head and that he is unable to take off. He furiously stomps and yells and tears at the cone, he implores the skies and fate for relief, he is drawn to dark and wild and scary places. The depths of his sadness feel like a defeat. It's a battle...
18) Grasshopper
Physical Desc
1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 29 cm
In this colorful and moving wordless picture book told from the up-close perspectives of a young girl and a grasshopper, a garden comes alive with creatures, plants, and surprises of nature.
19) At the pond
"On a dull gray day, a boy puts his dog on a leash and they walk to a shimmering pond where snowy white swans swim freely. One of the swans invites the boy and dog for a ride. They climb on its back and sail into a stunningly beautiful landscape, dotted with wildflowers, spoonbills and ibises. Foxes, rabbits and deer appear in this paradise, then butterflies and even bigger, more beautiful flowers. The boy unleashes his dog on shore, and the dog bounds...
"When a fish hears the singing of a violin, it is drawn out of the water and into the world of a young musician sitting on a shady bench. Soon fish and boy are flying over the rooftops together, past lively street musicians, a flock of birds, then from planet to planet, before landing back on earth for an idyllic afternoon in the park. In a forest of giant dandelions they discover a little house where a band plays cheerily, then, swept up by the wind,...
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