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A rare memoir of growing up Old Order Mennonite. Rolling Down Black Stockings is a personal recollection of Esther Royer Ayers's youth spent in a highly restrictive and confined religious community. Her story is as much a search for identity and a longing for a mother's love as it is a tale about a totalitarian culture that led to her departure from the Old Order Mennonite religion. This poignant story is told in three books: book 1 describes her...
Soup lovers rejoice! This vintage book contains a fantastic selection of old-time recipes for creating interesting and delicious soups, as well as chapters on making stocks. All the recipes are for meatless dishes, making this volume ideal for modern vegetarians looking for some variety. Contents include: Vegetable Stock I, Vegetable Stock II, Plasmon Stock, Potage aux Pignole, Potage Bonne Femme, Soup a l'Oignon, Stanislas, Soup a l'Oignon, Stanislas...
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